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10 Cultural harshest in the World

Indonesian News One - Community Ya'ahowu Nias South. In the history of human civilization there is always an abomination and cruelty. Even murder has existed since humans first arrived on Earth. But some of them make cruelty, as part of their culture. Edition discusses the 10 civilizations that have a culture that is cruel.

10 Kingdom of Celtic
Celtic Empire
Celtic Empire
Celtic has a great reputation as a head hunter, and well-known for putting their victim's head on the train, and in front of their house. Many of the Celts fought naked to surprise their enemies. It is also well known for their long iron sword: "They cut off the head of an enemy in battle and hang it on the necks of their horses. The blood-stained spoils they hand it over to their attendants and sing a song of victory, and they nailed the enemy head on top of their homes, just like the hunter who put the head of the prey. They smear the cedar oil on his head famous for later on preserved so it can be shown to strangers as pride and say this is the head of their ancestors, or his father, or the name of the owner's own head.
9. Civilization Maori
Maori Civilization
Maori Civilization
The Maori were the first settlers Island of New Zealand which has been inhabited for centuries before the arrival of Europeans. They have been known to practice 'cannibalism' (actors cannibals; was a phenomenon in which the living creatures eat other similar creatures) during the war. In October, 1809 a European convict ship was attacked by a large group of Maori warriors, as an act of revenge for the mistreatment of a chief's son. Maori killed as many as 66 people in it, and bring the dead and living victims of the boat and back to shore to be eaten. Only a few survived, including that found in the hideout of the mast, so terrible when they see their friends being eaten by Maori overnight.
8. Mongol Empire
Mongol Empire
Mongol Empire
Mongols were considered barbarians and savages. They dominate Europe and Asia and recognizable nickname circuitry cavalry, led by one of the greatest military commanders in history, Genghis Khan. They are very disciplined and controlled use of bows and arrows on horseback. They used a composite bow that could rip the cloak of war, and also adept at using spears and scimitars. They are masters of psychological warfare and intimidation, and built the second largest empire that ever existed. It all started when Temujin (later known as Genghis Khan), vowed in his youth to put the world under his feet. He almost succeeded. Then he set his sights on China, and the rest is history. From Vietnam to Hungary, the Mongol Empire was the largest empire in the history of mankind.
7 Apache Tribe
Apache Tribes
Apache Tribes
Apache ninja like America. They will sneak up behind you and slit your throat, without you knowing it. They used primitive weapons made mostly of wood and bone. They are the greatest knife fighters the world has ever seen, and adept at using the tomahawk and throwing ax. They spread terror in the Southwest region of the United States, and even the military had trouble beating them. They are the best guerrilla fighters, and their descendants teach modern military forces on how to fight with bare hands. They usually scalped their victims.
6. Viking kingdom
Viking Empire
Viking Empire
They spread terror in Europe by conducting raids and looting (although not all of them). They are ferocious in battle and use the ideal weapon to their stature. They have great body posture and always use axes, swords and spears as well as experts in conquering the city. Even their religion about the war, they believe that when you die in battle, will be raised once again in a battle that never ends. They are ideal soldiers who will destroy anything in its path.
5. North Korea
Korea Utara
North Korea
Those caught stealing food or trying to cross the border, were awarded a penalty in front of the residents. Kim is continuing his lavish lifestyle and military obsession, despite the economy collapsed. In North Korea, he and his father deified, regarded as the savior of the universe. 250,000 dissidents are put into "re-education camps". He has waged a war against South Korea that involved the murder of South Korean leaders and blowing up South Korean airliner. He presents a great threat to the world in terms of nuclear warfare, having persuaded the Soviet Union to provide a nuclear reactor, in 1984.
4. Roman Empire
Roman Empire
Roman Empire
While Rome may be the biggest empire, you can not ignore the horror. Criminals, slaves and others were forced to fight each other to the death in gladiator game. Some of the most evil people in the history of the Roman - Caligula , Nero and others. Christian was the first group, targeted to be persecuted, by the emperor Nero, in 64 AD . Some torn apart by dogs, others burnt alive as human torches. At first, they were led by the kings, then became a republic (perhaps their greatest heyday) before finally becoming an empire. How a group of farmers, who began fending off wolves to protect their livestock, eventually became the largest empire in history is legend. Coupled with the military system and excellent administration, the Roman Empire, or rather ancient Rome, is also one of the longest reign. calculated from its founding to the fall of the Byzantine Empire, ancient Rome lasted for 2,214 years.
3 Aztec Empire
Aztec Empire
Aztec Empire
The Aztecs began their elaborate theocracy in the year 1300, and brought human sacrifice to a golden era. Approximately 20,000 people are killed each year to appease gods - especially the sun god, who need "food" of blood every day. Victim's heart was cut, and some bodies were eaten during the ceremony. Other victims drowned, beheaded, burned or dropped from a height. In a rite to the rain god, screaming children killed in some altar so that their tears might cause rain. In a ritual for corn goddess, a virgin danced for 24 hours, then killed and skinned, skin worn by a priest who went on dancing. One source said that the King Ahuitzotl's coronation, 80,000 prisoners were slaughtered to please the gods. It is said that sometimes victims will be eaten.
2. Nazi Germany
Nazi Germany
Nazi Germany
Although very brief civilization, Nazi, Germany is a superpower, and greatly affect the world. At least 4 million people died in the Holocaust (with some speculation is closer to 11 million), and Nazi Germany started the worst war in human history - World War II. The Nazi swastika symbol is probably the most hated in the world. Nazi Germany had about 268 829 square kilometers of land. Hitler is one of the most influential people who ever existed, so far, one of the most frightening.
1. Soviet Union
Soviet Union
Soviet Union
Communism is responsible for more deaths of millions of people, even from Nazi Germany. Communists such as Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Nicolae Ceausescu and others have killed millions of people. But the Soviet Union is the worst. Stalin, alone, killing 1-60 million people. The Soviet Union was probably one of the biggest enemies of the United States. Living under the leadership of Stalin's many citizens suffer from fear, thus making the Soviet Union worse than Nazi Germany, where the majority of Germany felt the level of safety as long as they support the concept of the Nazis.

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