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10 Efficacy and Benefits of Papaya Leaves For Humans

Benefits of Papaya Leaf | Articles & Tips Health ~ ripe papaya fruit in addition to readily available, good to eat, and serve as a dessert after every meal also has benefits as a supplier of nutrition / nutrition, especially vitamins A and C. Not only the fruit, papaya apparently began to leaf 1001 benefits until the roots have not yet so prevalent we know. Therefore, in this occasion the admin will share insights about the benefits of one of the few parts of the papaya, which leaves.


As reported in the pages of Research and Technology Warintek sourced from WWII LIPI (Centre for Documentation and Scientific Information - Indonesian Institute of Sciences). Some of the benefits of papaya leaves them as follows:

Treating Jengkolan
Jengkolan a constipation problem usually occurs when too much consuming jengkol. Treat it that way, Take half papaya leaf stalks, leaves 10 long beans, cassava leaves and 6 sprigs wash then mash until smooth. Then add 1/2 cup of cooking water (cooked), mix all the ingredients and then squeezed and filtered. Drink 2 times a day with an additional 1 tablespoon of honey.

Stimulate appetite
In addition to delicious young leaves made of fresh vegetables, it turns out there are other benefits that increase appetite. Way, take a piece of papaya leaves, do not forget to let sterile washed first. Then mash, with salt and a little water about 1/4 cup, then squeeze. Furthermore, drinking water as well.

Overcoming Whitish
Wash papaya leaf, thinly sliced ​​/ finely, mixed with 50 grams of grass roots clean and pulasari. Then the mixture was boiled with 1.5 liters of water. If it is, then strain the drink 1 cup a day.

Launched Menstruation
For a girl buddies who often experience menstrual smoothly, use two strands of papaya leaves that have been washed, finely crushed with a given quarter cup of water, wring it out, give salt. Drink at once one time a day.

Smooth milk
ASI smoothly into a dream for every mother who has a toddler. Well, for my friend mothers who have trouble breast feeding is not smooth, please try the following ingredients. Take some papaya leaves, washed, layukan on fire. While still warm put around the breast.

Preventing Postpartum fever
Papaya leaf washed, sliced, boiled with palm sugar and a glass of water until the water half. Drink well soon after birth for 2 days in a row.

Malaria and Dengue
Mashed papaya leaves up into half a glass, add 3/4 cup of water and salt, squeeze, strain. Drink 3 times a day; do 5 days in a row.

Treating Flu
For my friend who got the flu advantage of 2-3 young papaya leaves, washed, crushed, squeezed, and then give the salt. Drink 2 times a day for the children, and 4 times a day for adults.

Eliminate Acne
To cope with acne who attacked our faces, looking for 2-3 papaya leaves are old and drying, pulverized leaves that have been dried pepeya before he was given water, wring it out. Next, apply the juice on the acne.

Removing broken glass
Some papaya leaves are washed, crushed, give salt. Apply on the affected skin broken glass, the dressing. Broken glass will come out and the wound will dry up.

That was a brief insight about some of the Benefits of Papaya Leaves to some health problems that can be present admin. Thank you for visiting and reading various tips and info on the blog Health sederhanan this. See you again in the future!

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