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10 Efficacy and Benefits of Papaya Leaves For Humans

Minggu, 07 September 2014

Benefits of Papaya Leaf | Articles & Tips Health ~ ripe papaya fruit in addition to readily available, good to eat, and serve as a dessert after every meal also has benefits as a supplier of nutrition / nutrition, especially vitamins A and C. Not only the fruit, papaya apparently began to leaf 1001 benefits until the roots have not yet so prevalent we know. Therefore, in this occasion the admin will share insights about the benefits of one of the few parts of the papaya, which leaves.


As reported in the pages of Research and Technology Warintek sourced from WWII LIPI (Centre for Documentation and Scientific Information - Indonesian Institute of Sciences). Some of the benefits of papaya leaves them as follows:

Treating Jengkolan
Jengkolan a constipation problem usually occurs when too much consuming jengkol. Treat it that way, Take half papaya leaf stalks, leaves 10 long beans, cassava leaves and 6 sprigs wash then mash until smooth. Then add 1/2 cup of cooking water (cooked), mix all the ingredients and then squeezed and filtered. Drink 2 times a day with an additional 1 tablespoon of honey.

Stimulate appetite
In addition to delicious young leaves made of fresh vegetables, it turns out there are other benefits that increase appetite. Way, take a piece of papaya leaves, do not forget to let sterile washed first. Then mash, with salt and a little water about 1/4 cup, then squeeze. Furthermore, drinking water as well.

Overcoming Whitish
Wash papaya leaf, thinly sliced ​​/ finely, mixed with 50 grams of grass roots clean and pulasari. Then the mixture was boiled with 1.5 liters of water. If it is, then strain the drink 1 cup a day.

Launched Menstruation
For a girl buddies who often experience menstrual smoothly, use two strands of papaya leaves that have been washed, finely crushed with a given quarter cup of water, wring it out, give salt. Drink at once one time a day.

Smooth milk
ASI smoothly into a dream for every mother who has a toddler. Well, for my friend mothers who have trouble breast feeding is not smooth, please try the following ingredients. Take some papaya leaves, washed, layukan on fire. While still warm put around the breast.

Preventing Postpartum fever
Papaya leaf washed, sliced, boiled with palm sugar and a glass of water until the water half. Drink well soon after birth for 2 days in a row.

Malaria and Dengue
Mashed papaya leaves up into half a glass, add 3/4 cup of water and salt, squeeze, strain. Drink 3 times a day; do 5 days in a row.

Treating Flu
For my friend who got the flu advantage of 2-3 young papaya leaves, washed, crushed, squeezed, and then give the salt. Drink 2 times a day for the children, and 4 times a day for adults.

Eliminate Acne
To cope with acne who attacked our faces, looking for 2-3 papaya leaves are old and drying, pulverized leaves that have been dried pepeya before he was given water, wring it out. Next, apply the juice on the acne.

Removing broken glass
Some papaya leaves are washed, crushed, give salt. Apply on the affected skin broken glass, the dressing. Broken glass will come out and the wound will dry up.

That was a brief insight about some of the Benefits of Papaya Leaves to some health problems that can be present admin. Thank you for visiting and reading various tips and info on the blog Health sederhanan this. See you again in the future!
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Intimate Organ Cleaning Products, Safe or Not?


Cleaning products for the female sex is one of the cleaning products are very popular lately. In fact, the crowd rushed manufacturers make products pembersig female sex organs, to compete in the market. This product is expressed as a product that can keep the balance of acid and alkaline in the female sex, so it can keep women from urinary tract infections.
But, what really this product is absolutely safe, and without side effects?
It is true, in some studies mentioned that one of the content contained in the betel leaf, which is used as a raw material for the manufacture of cleaning products female sex organs, there Minya Minya essential or essential. And, this essential oil is often referred to contains substances that are antibacterial or antifungal too. Because of this reason, many manufacturers make this product.
But, not all problems can be done with the genital organs cleaning products sex organs. One of the most common problems in the female sex organs are whitish. Whitish itself consists of several levels. In normal vaginal discharge, genital cleaning with clean warm water can usually resolve the problem. Once in a while it is okay to use cleaning products female sex organs. However, the abnormal vaginal discharge, indicating the presence of bacterial infection, the use of these products is not appropriate. Because, in the abnormal vaginal discharge, you need a little more attention to this issue, due to abnormal vaginal discharge is bacterial infection, which is one of the health problems.
However the female sex organs require alkaline pH. And, the sex organs themselves have the ability to maintain the pH stability, without the aid of a tool balancer normal flora. Only necessary, create a clean environment around your sex organs.
Some things you can do to create a clean atmosphere in your sex organs, including to prevent acidity pH and bacterial infections, for example by using the panties that absorb sweat and dry, always wash your sex organs until it is clean and dry before you use panties, water consumed in sufficient quantities to keep the immune system, memeriksaan themselves immediately to the doctor there ginekologijika abnormal vaginal discharge, and avoid stress.
Until now there has been no research that says that siri leaf decoction is useful for overcoming vaginal discharge, therefore hygiene measures sex organs naturally remains the most recommended.
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8 Tips on How to Maintain Eye Health

How To Maintain Eye Health. Eyes are a very important organ in our body. With eyes, we can see the beauty of this world. Therefore, it is important for us to maintain eye health. We must always maintain the health of our eyes in order to avoid the various diseases of the eye.

Lots of eye disease that can strike at any time our eyes. As someone who often read books, playing games for too long, and so can disease myopia.

Diseases eyes were already familiar we hear as myopia or nearsightedness, or farsightedness hipermetropi, presbiopi or not be able to see near and far objects, cataracts, color blindness can not see a wide variety of colors. There are many things you can do to keep your eyes healthy and can avoid the eye disease. Here are tips on how to maintain eye health.

How To Maintain Eye Health

  1. Family history of eye health
  2. Talk to family members, especially your parents. Are your parents in the diagnosis of eye disease descent. This is because you can determine whether you are at high risk of eye disease or not.

  3. Keep visibility
  4. Keep your visibility when it is in a computer or TV screen. The ideal viewing distance of about 50-100cm. As well as when reading a book. The ideal distance when reading a book about 30cm. This is so that can avoid myopia or nearsightedness.

  5. Avoid the habit rubbed his eyes
  6. Do not often rubbed his eyes when the eyes feel itchy. When your hands dirty after holding an object the eye can infect organs that can cause serious harm to the health of the eye.

  7. Rest your eyes
  8. Do not force the eye to linger to read a book or in front of a computer screen. If you are too long, the eyes will hurt. Isitirahatkan eyes for a few minutes.

  9. Eating foods containing vitamin A
  10. Eating foods such as carrots contain vitamin A. This, is because carrots contain vitamin A and beta carotene which serves to maintain the health of your eyes.

  11. Wear eye protection
  12. Try to wear eye protection in a variety of activities such activities while driving, sports, and so on. Many glasses were designed specifically for the sport to avoid eye injury and avoid dust.

  13. Check the
  14. Get your eyes tested on a regular basis in order to avoid the disease that strikes the eye at any time.

  15. Quit smoking
  16. For the smoker, try to stop smoking from now. This is because, can potentially experience a number of eye diseases such as cataracts and damage to the optic nerve of the eye.
So tips on how to maintain eye health. Keep your eye health from now on. Read also the article on the function of the protein . Hopefully useful and thank you.
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Tips To Keep Body Endurance Always Healthy


Indonesian News One - Companions, health tips. Having a healthy body is the desire of every person including you. By staying healthy, MKA activities we do can run smoothly and according to our expectations. With Healthier anyway, so we do not have to spend time and money to buy medicine or go to the hospital. So we should always be grateful to the health favors of Almighty God that is given to us all. There are a variety of tips related to health and endurance. So, what are the tips to keep your immune system healthy to keep the ... ???

Healthy size that is when we are able to keep the immune system from diseases that attack always hit like fever, flu, cough and others. Then how we can keep the immune system the right to keep it healthy and fit every day .... ???. The following troubleshooting tips to maintain the health of the immune system to keep it healthy:
  1. Adequate rest every day, is one factor to keep your immune system.
  2. In a healthy body there is a calm mind and healthy too. So try to always think positive to all the problems that hit us.
  3. Every morning, try to always do regular exercise. It aims to maintain the condition of the body to keep it fit and healthy.
  4. Always make sure that the food you eat has Hygienic or already in the wash with clean or thoroughly cooked perfect.
  5. Eat reasonable portions do not go overboard. In fear of your body will be obese and at risk of disease associated with overweight or obesity.
  6. Fill fibrous foods every day. Fibrous food is apples, carrots and nuts. The function of these fibrous foods that keep the body from bacteria.
  7. Meet the needs of vitamin D. Because vitamin D is working to stimulate immune cells to block viruses and bacteria. Vitamin D can be found in sunlight, eggs, liver and fish.

So called health tips tips to keep your immune system to keep it healthy. Hopefully the above health article helpful and useful for you.
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Susu Kambing Etawa

Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014


Indonesian News One - Info kesehatan kali ini adalah Susu Kambing Etawa murni yang bisa menyegarkan dan menyehatkan anda, jika anda ingin pesan susu kambing etawa yang baik dan menyehatkan maka kami punya rekomendasinya buat anda semiannual Dari website yang paling say rekomendasikan buat anda semiannual, beebread hall yang manikin ingin anda lacuna adalah bawl kami punya informs karat unstuck anda semiannual Diana informs yang kami barbican adalah sexual informs yang cutup baik dan cameral petunia seeing info susu yang kami awaken bisa mamba anda ketagihan Karenna ate Etawa eh maksudnya cutaway , kami piker Kambing Etawa it bisa cutaway,.

Dallam beak say kepi Iran kale susu etawa it kayak susu kudu liar , eh oh it susu kudu liar subway oh bead yaw, he he one den say agnate cembalo informs kali ini yeti menyangkut demean susu kambing etawa buat anda semiannual, dalai picric ado Sesutu yang purl say Saharan bawl informs ini cutup meal dan bear bear meal petunia teapot info susu kambing ini gratis buat anda yang panting anda bisa etawa separate kambing kesayanganku,, boohoo….!!!! Ha ha, sorry gang,,,

Nah tap kali say demean kite susu seal pikiranku angers jade pinging etawa separate kambing sues yang ado dialer landing sexual landing kambing dipertenakan kebob tetanggaku, mukluk say tidal punya kambing habits Ramah say asana deplaned mars Nan jail Diana jade kale bawl kambing bisa mate ,, berate buskin???

Nah pelican terabit Dari Susu Kambing Etawa yang kami rekomendasikan adalah bear bear sexual susu yang Higgins dan bearish unstuck dikonsumsi buat anda yang ingin monomania bisa anda capstan informality ado panda tauten link ate Gambaro debauch ini, smog info ini bermanfaat jika ado salad kite moon dimaafkan trim Kasich.
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Tips on Keeping Body Stay Younger

Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

Tips on Keeping Body Stay Younger

Indonesian News One - Tips on Keeping Body Stay Younger Ageless is a condition where the body shows the appearance of a younger age, although sometimes it is a bit old. Everyone wants his body durable and always looks young and fit as a fiddle. Among the ways to maintain a youthful body is to consume a lot of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that acts to slow down the oxidation of chemicals in the body so that the body always looks young.

In addition to this method, other tips to stay young is to always feel happy, and adequate rest. For more details about how to stay young, here we review the tips to keep your body youthful furthermore, may be useful.

How To Maintain Body Younger

1. Be optimistic

Optimistic is an attitude that should always be applied to look younger. With an optimistic attitude you will always be happy and pay attention to the appearance and avoid the depression.

2. plenty of rest

The purpose of rest is sleep quality and sleep comfortably. Such a break is needed by the body to regenerate skin cells, as well as to avoid the formation of bags under the eyes, wrinkles and aging skin.

3 Using a moisturizing lotion

UV rays are the cause of premature aging. It is advisable to always use a UV protective moisturizing lotion especially when you are in traveling.

4 Many moves

Another way to keep the body stay young is with a lot of moving. Keep your exercise every day for 30 minutes like jogging, jogging, push-ups, cycling, brisk walking. Many move not only keep the body youthful but also maintain good body health. Avoid heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer, etc.. Many move also will give relaxation to the muscles, strengthen bones, prevent stress on the muscles because the oxygen that enters the muscles evenly.

5. Consuming vitamin C

Increase your vitamin C could be other solutions in keeping the body young. Vitamin C can diperdapatkan in fruits such as oranges, apples, etc.. In green vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, helpful vitamins to boost the immune system, preventing the risk of cancer and can regenerate skin cells.

These are some of the kinds of tips to keep your body in order to stay young. Always look at health from an early age could also be a step in maintaining a healthy and youthful body.
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7 Ways to Eliminate Mouth Odor Quickly

Rabu, 30 Juli 2014

7 Ways to Eliminate Mouth Odor Quickly

Indonesian News One - How to get rid of bad breath naturally is quite easy but a lot of people who do not know the way. Bad breath is one of the causes we kurng confident, especially when I had to get together with other people. Of course we will be very annoying chatter. Well before discussing how to overcome the bad breath if you already know what the heck causes the unpleasant odor mulu. So there are several factors, one of them is not a full breakfast. Why is this so? Because we are actually in the mouth bacteria that can be killed with saliva, whereas if we are not breakfast then saliva production will be low so it can not kill the bacteria. In addition, there are many more, including the rarely brushed his teeth, smoking, mouth sores, and others.

How to Eliminate Mouth Odor

How to get rid of bad breath naturally can be done using materials such as betel leaf, green tea, fruit, and much more. Surely the better way for the health of your mouth rather than having to wear modern products such as moutwash. But that does not mean you should not be using such products. So for those of you who hesitate to use natural means please use produ-modern products that claim to eliminate bad breath. Well curious what are the ways to eliminate bad breath odor? Immediately following are two examples.

1 betel leaf

Namely how to squeeze some betel leaves and then boiled until boiling. After that, strain and set aside the cooking water cool down, then use water to rinse your mouth so that the smell can be resolved.

2 Consuming green tea

For those of you who want to overcome bad breath with exciting ways possible to brew green tea is a way that you should apply. Because the green tea contained a fairly high antioxidant content.

3 Orange juice and honey

Namely how to mix lime juice with honey to taste. After that regular consumption to eliminate bad breath.

4. Candy

Of course chew is the easiest way you can do. Well if you are at your do not forget to bring candy, but make sure it has a mint candy that your breath so fresh.

5. Brushing

Brushing the teeth is one way to eliminate bad breath should be done at least twice a day. Because in addition to overcome bad breath, brushing teeth can also kill the bacteria and eliminate the remnants of food that was on the sidelines of our teeth.

6 Using antiseptic

Now a lot of products such as antiseptic mouthwash, now you should use those products to kill bacteria lodged your mouth, because brushing your teeth is not enough.

7 Consuming fruit

If you want to eliminate bad breath by eating fruit should choose fruits that contain a lot of water in order to overcome the low production of your saliva, so it can kill the bacteria in your mouth. Some fruit may be an option that is pear, guava, apple, lemon, and so on.

Please try to remove the bad breath. A few tips from me for this time, may be useful for you. If it is helpful please share this information through your keteman yes.
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How to Eliminate Body Odor Naturally

Senin, 28 Juli 2014

How to Eliminate Body Odor Naturally

Indonesian News One - Eliminating body odor is easy bother, but any form of work done if a serious person will definitely have a positive result. For that you do not have to worry about your body odor because it is a trivial fact that the cause is also trivial. Here are some of the causes of body odor you become.

The cause of body odor:

Body odor can be caused by several factors, but the main thing is a bad habit that causes the body to become smell bad. For example, is rarely the only time a shower or bath may rarely or never use soap. If you use soap in the bath but still not lost body odor mean you have to be selective when choosing soap. Beauty Doctors advise a person who has a problem with body odor for liquid soap, besides its fragrant aroma can also make your skin brighter.

Some foods are flavorful sting can also cause bad body odor. For example, red onion and garlic , durian, jengkol, banana and others.

How to get rid of body odor naturally:

Lots of natural ingredients that can be used to cope with body odor that stung, here are some ways to eliminate body odor naturally.

1 Using a rice body scrub in the bath
Rice can moisturize the skin, therefore you can try the rice to the material body scrubs. You do this simply by mashing the rice until smooth, then give the mixture a little honey or olive oil to give a fresh aromatherapy, then directly affixed evenly throughout the body. Let stand for a while after that rinse using warm water.

2 bath with liquid soap
Yes, as has been spelled out earlier. Liquid soap is best recommendations to address body odor, in Indonesia have a lot of liquid soap brands which gives the fragrance throughout the day. But why you have not tried?

Diligent 3 bath
In general, people usually shower twice a day, or there may be more depending on certain circumstances. However, not a few people who rarely showers because of his work to take care of the work or in social media chattingan busy as to forget to clean his body. Indeed, no one can forbid you to do it all but what you do not love for yourself if you still love ?, why not treat your body every day to keep the fragrance throughout the day.

4 Consumption of fruit and vegetables
Consumption of fruits and vegetables can help to expedite the metabolism of the body. In addition, vegetables and fruits are also rich in antioxidants which can prevent the development of bacteria that cause body odor.

Similarly, some tips and how to eliminate the pungent odor naturally, do all of the maintenance routine for maximum results.
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How to Remove Acne Scars Naturally

Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014

How to remove acne scars naturally

Indonesian News One - One of the skin problems that often interfere and also of course make less confidence to face the appearance of acne scars are scars that sometimes have less color and look unsightly.

The acne scars and sometimes reddish or blackish or dark-colored as well. Although acne is cured or has been lost, sometimes scar ofetn stick longer in the face compared with long pimples heal or disappear.

Thus, various methods are used to eliminate the acne scars, or at least is disguise. Ways of acne scars in the short term is to use foundation or BB cream also with the now widely traded in the market, but you still have to be very careful of buying BB cream products are trusted and also of course safe.

To get rid of acne scars itself, you can do at home with ingredients and natural way, that is by and materials such as those below:

With the lemons
Lemon is believed to be very effective and very beneficial for skin care, including to remove acne scars. The trick is with a thin slice of lemon and squeeze out the water, then apply to the entire face before you go to bed and rinse in the morning when you wake up. Lemon is also able to brighten the skin, remove acne scars, lightens the dark skin, and also to remove the oil on the face.

With egg whites

Egg whites are also believed to be able to remove acne scars. In addition, egg whites are also able to remove blackheads, brightens skin, and also makes the skin smooth. The way is also very simple and easy, that is by taking only the egg whites, then shake, and apply evenly to the entire surface of the face, leave to dry or for 30 minutes, and rinse with warm water.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking enough water is needed by the body and is sometimes underestimated by the people. Though drinking enough water is very useful and is needed by the body, including your skin for beauty, but it is also to organs of your body organs. Drink 8 glasses of water a day to meet the needs of your body.
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